20 x 28 cm, paper and ink
If the things of our world and universe can no longer be divided in “naturalia” and “artificialia”, since every thing has become a bit of natural and artificial at the same time, there is a need for new categories. It is the acceptance of such new categories that will bring us beyond Modernity.
The Museum makes the hypotheses that the words in the document shown here (*) could be these new categories: Lightness, Quickness, Exactitude, Visibility, Multiplicity and Consistency. Discussion with a young visitor at the Museum clarified that these categories should not be seen as boxes in which to put light things, quick things, etc., but rather as ways of looking at our world. Looking lightly following the weightless trajectories of light. Looking quickly as every thing is rapidly changing. Looking accurately because even things should be exactly described. Looking to see and render visible. Looking at the complexity of ever thing in multiple way. Looking and making consistent the different ways of looking and what is being seen: looking to make sense.
As written elsewhere, the Museum wants to be an instrument for looking and trying to make sense.
(*) The document was found outside the library of the monastery S. Maria di Finalpia (Liguria, IT) among leaflets, papers and magazines that were ready to be shipped to a recycling facility. It is most probably a copy or a copy of a copy of the original.
Research by the Museum has linked the document to the Italian author Italo Calvino (1923 – 1985): Calvino used the six words as titles for six lessons that he was invited to give at Harvard University in 1984. The link with Calvino has been confirmed by the finding that in one printed edition of these lessons (Cat. Nr. 62) a black and white copy of a sheet of paper with the same list of words in the same handwriting is presented.
There is still a small chance that the document held by the Museum is the original. Further research will have to shed light on this.postmaster@museumofanthropocenetechnology.org, via Leggiuno 32
Laveno Mombello