since 52017 CE



The Museum of Anthropocene Technology is midway between an art gallery and a science laboratory; it collects objects from the Anthropocene - a time period around 2000 CE - and turns them into things that tell about a seemingly problematic relationship between humans and nature. The museum contributes to a growing understanding about how this relationship determined the lives of humans and non-humans during that period. It also tries to answer questions like: when exactly did the Anthropocene came to an end; what are the reasons - one or many - that it came to an end; how did the Earth, Life and Humanity eventually continue up till today?

"Our civilisation will seem to be in many ways incomprehensible in 52014 CE, ... the exhibits gave us much to contemplate, bringing an unique perspective to current times." (Sean 27/9/24)

"Io sono incasinato, ma tu lo sei ancora di più" (Riccardo 30/3/24)

"Un viaggio nel tempo e insieme dentro le proprie ipotesi di vita! Grazie davvero." (Marta 8/12/23) 

"Une expérience surréaliste et hors du temps. Nous avons eu droit à une visite extraordinaire avec le responsable du lieu." (Malik 24/10/23)

"Na het bezoek aan dit bijzonder museum zijn de zorgen over onze planeet niet kleiner geworden. De inspiratie helpt misschien een beetje om de teloorgang nog even uit te stellen. Wat een prachtige ruimte en wat een boeiende manier om over mens en natuur na te denken. Indrukwekkend. Dank" (Martin 17/6/2023)"

"A museum to contemplate the fragility of what it is to be human, how little we understand of our nature, and that ignorance may lead to a vacuous legacy. Thank you so much. It was a great chance to think." (David 6/7/2023)

" Una visita ai diversi strati del cervello umano." (Julio 30/10/22)

" Più che guardavo, meno capivo, e più che diventavo curioso." (Franco 15/10/2022)

 " ... losgekoppeld van een catastrofale afloop of een rampenverhaal, toont het museum met humor een poging tot het begrijpen en archiveren van onze cultuur vandaag. (...) Is niet-relativerende humor een strategie om voorbij het ecorouwen te kijken?" (Barbara 30/8/2022)

"Het is interessant, maar ook mooi." (Werner 29/6/2022)

"I was puzzled when I entered the museum, and totally confused when I left it: my thinking had exploded." (Jens, 10/9/2021)

" ... respiriamo tutti in Gaia, con Gaia, la terra. Uscire da questo "museo a conduzione familiare" e ritrovare la pianta, la nuvola, la neve, pacificati. Grazie!" (Serena, 29/12/2020)

"It is an incredible, thought provoking experience to visit the museum ..." (Wim, 15/07/2020)

"Un modo originale per comprendere la nostra epoca confusa e immaginare un nuovo rinascimento." (Stefano, 22/03/2020)

"Absolutely one of the most interesting things I've done this year! " (Ute, 03/12/2019)

"We were all left with a surprising new outlook on the world as we left the museum." (Axelle, 28/05/2019)

Complete reviews and more reviews can be found here.