One reading of the history of western philosophy shows that, since 2500 years, humans are trying to come to terms with the opposites and contradictions of their daily lives and the World around them:  the real and the imaginary, the good and the bad, body and mind, life and death, …

Take reality itself. For Plato (420ies BC – 340ies BC) reality resides in the world of perfect forms or ideas, and what we experience with our senses are only imperfect realizations (“shadows”) of those ideas. His pupil, Aristoteles (384 BC – 322 BC), already thought differently. For him reality was the stuff that we have around us, from which, based on careful observation, we could derive generalized abstract ideas about them. Western philosophy got stuck with these two approaches towards reality up till today.

For Plato, the clouds in the sky (Cat. Nr. 3) where stirred by the movements of perfect ideal forms (Cat. Nr. 104, Cat. Nr. 105, Exhibit Nr. 18). While for Aristotle, the movement of clouds (Cat. Nr. 106) would one day be explained by some abstract formulas.